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大学紹介 大学紹介 理事長 永守重信の想い 学長挨拶 大学概要 建学の精神 組織 沿革 諸規則 大学歌 ロゴマークについて 教員公募・職員募集 お問い合わせ(事務局連絡先) 京都先端科学大学の取り組み ハラスメント防止の取り組み 情報セキュリティポリシー ソーシャルメディアポリシー 障がい学生支援 公益通報の通報・相談窓口 情報公表・大学評価 教育情報の公開<2023年度> 内部質保証 自己点検・評価 設置計画履行状況報告書等 教職課程に関する情報公表 財務情報 高等教育の修学支援新制度 機関要件の確認に係る申請書 中期経営計画 奨学金・学費等について 学費等納付方法について 奨学金・奨励金 施設紹介 京都太秦キャンパス 京都亀岡キャンパス 心理教育相談室 京都先端科学大学図書館 京都太秦キャンパス 南館 学生寮 パソコン教室 施設のご使用について 交通アクセス バス時刻表 学部学科・大学院 学部学科・大学院 学部 経済経営学部 人文学部 バイオ環境学部 健康医療学部 工学部 全学共通教育機構 大学院 経済学研究科 データサイエンスと行動経済学コース 税理士養成コース 経営学研究科(ビジネススクール) 人間文化研究科 バイオ環境研究科 工学研究科 シラバス検索 教育・研究 教育・研究 教育 教育への取り組み 教育改革支援センター 各種調査結果 学修ポートフォリオ 科目等履修生制度・聴講生制度 研究・連携 研究紹介 研究連携センター 研究施設・設備 研究推進 産官学連携 高大連携 社会・地域連携 総合研究所 ナガモリアクチュエータ研究所 京都企業研究センター 国際学術研究院 オープンイノベーションセンター・亀岡 教員検索 留学・国際交流 国際交流協定校 キャリア・インターンシップ・就職 キャリア・インターンシップ・就職 キャリア支援 就職支援 インターンシップ 全学生対象 経済経営学部生対象 経済経営学部生対象 工学部生対象 資格取得 課外講座 奨学金対象講座・資格 取得可能な資格/受講可能な検定 就職実績 先輩からのメッセージ 在学生の皆様へ 企業の皆様へ 受験生の方へ 在学生の方へ 保護者の方へ 卒業生の方へ 企業・一般の方へ メニュー インターネット出願--> OPEN CAMPUS 受験生 検索 アクセス English インターネット出願--> OPENCAMPUS 受験生 アクセス お問合せ 資料請求 寄付 大学紹介開く 理事長 永守重信の想い 学長挨拶 大学概要開く 建学の精神 組織 沿革 諸規則 大学歌 ロゴマークについて 教員公募・職員募集 お問い合わせ(事務局連絡先) 京都先端科学大学の取り組み開く ハラスメント防止の取り組み 情報セキュリティポリシー ソーシャルメディアポリシー 障がい学生支援 情報公表・大学評価開く 教育情報の公開<2023年度> 内部質保証 自己点検・評価 設置計画履行状況報告書等 教職課程に関する情報公表 財務情報 高等教育の修学支援新制度 機関要件の確認に係る申請書 中期経営計画 奨学金・学費等について開く 学費等納付方法について 奨学金・奨励金 施設紹介開く 施設のご使用について 京都太秦キャンパス 京都亀岡キャンパス 心理教育相談室 京都先端科学大学図書館 京都太秦キャンパス 南館 国際学生寮 パソコン教室 交通アクセス バス時刻表 学部学科・大学院開く 学部開く 経済経営学部 人文学部 バイオ環境学部 健康医療学部 工学部 全学共通教育機構 大学院開く 経済学研究科 経営学研究科(ビジネススクール) 人間文化研究科 バイオ環境研究科 工学研究科 データサイエンスと行動経済学コース 税理士養成コース シラバス検索 教育・研究開く 教育開く 教育への取り組み 教育改革支援センター 各種調査と情報公開 学修ポートフォリオ 科目等履修生制度・聴講生制度 研究・連携開く 研究紹介 研究連携センター 研究施設・設備 研究推進 産官学連携 高大連携 社会・地域連携 総合研究所 ナガモリアクチュエータ研究所 京都企業研究センター 国際学術研究院 オープンイノベーションセンター・亀岡 教員検索 留学・国際交流開く 国際交流協定校 キャリア・インターンシップ・就職開く キャリア支援 就職支援 インターンシップ開く 全学生対象 経済経営学部生対象 経済経営学部生対象 工学部生対象 資格取得開く 課外講座 奨学金対象講座・資格 取得可能な資格/受講可能な検定 就職実績 先輩からのメッセージ 在学生の皆様へ 企業の皆様へ 受験生の方へ 在学生の方へ 保護者の方へ 卒業生の方へ 企業・一般の方へ Anti-harassment Initiatives HOMEKUAS English PortalHOME For Current Students (Undergraduate & Graduate)Anti-harassment Initiatives 日本語 Harassment is not tolerated at KUAS KUAS takes a strict stance against harassment, and has a zero-tolerance policy toward harassing behavior that interferes with the learning environment of our students or the work environment of our faculty and staff. KUAS will pursue any issues or questions related to harassment in earnest, and students who have concerns should contact the representatives below. KUAS Initiatives Harassment is an act that violates a person&#39;s human rights. Under KUAS&#39; stated objective of learning and growing together, all faculty, staff, and students have a responsibility to prevent acts that unjustly violate the dignity of others. In order to eliminate and prevent harassment and other acts and ensure a positive learning and work environment for students, faculty and staff, KUAS has established Harassment Prevention Regulations, created a Harassment Prevention Committee within the university, and assigned a counselors to act as points of contact, and have a system in place to respond appropriately to any problems that may arise. Resolution Process Prevention Committee The Prevention Committee prepares guidelines, conducts awareness-raising activities, and handles all issues related to harassment, including consultation, receipt of complaints, and relief for victims. Counselors (and Support Desk Staff) Students, faculty, and staff can learn how to contact the counselors and support desk through the Counseling Guide, the university website, and the university bulletin board. Consultation can be received by the individual, but also by a proxy or friend, or by such a person accompanied by the person himself/herself. Coordination Committee This committee is called to session whenever a counselor files a formal "petition for adjustment" with the university. The Coordination Committee will interview both parties individually, compare their testimony, and strive to resolve the problem through discussion while giving due consideration to privacy. Investigative Committee The investigative committee is called to session to resolve cases where the counselor directly requests certain measures such as disciplinary action against the offending party, or where one or both parties request certain measures after the coordination committee has attempted negotiation but has failed. What constitutes harassment? Harassment is anything that harms the dignity of another person, disrupts the learning environment of students, or obstructs the duties of the faculty and staff. Harassment can come in the following forms. Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment is defined by using one&#39;s position in education, research, or work to say or do anything of a sexual nature that is against another person&#39;s will, and depending on that person&#39;s reaction, imparting advantages or disadvantages with regard to their education, research, grading/accreditation, employment, wages, etc. Sexual harassment also refers to causing someone to feel humiliation, mental anguish, or discomfort through sexually explicit remarks or sexual behavior that is against their will, thereby disrupting their learning, research or work environment. Academic Harassment Academic harassment is defined as using one&#39;s position in an educational or research-related environment to harm those under one&#39;s tutelage through inappropriate words or actions. Power Harassment Power harassment refers to taking advantage of one&#39;s position in the workplace to cause disadvantage to one&#39;s subordinates or colleagues through inappropriate words or actions. Other forms of harassment Repeatedly engaging in inappropriate actions or using inappropriate words against the will of another person in the workplace or at school, creating an unpleasant environment that harms the other party&#39;s or dignity as an individual and causes great disadvantage to them as a student, teacher, or employee. Scope of application The KUAS Harassment Prevention Regulations apply to all faculty, staff (regardless of their work status, such as full-time, part-time, temporary, etc), students (undergraduate, graduate, international students, researchers, non-degree students, auditing students, etc), and persons who belong to organizations that have a relationship with the university (such as the guardians&#39; associations and alumni association). Cases that constitute harassment Sexual harassment Specific examples* Asking a student out for dinner or a date for reasons such as approving their credits for a course Forcing someone to sit next to you and drink at a party Making sexual demands of someone Touching someone intentionally Unnecessary one-on-one tutoring Stalking Harassing phone calls, letters or emails. Posting documents or images of a sexual nature. Staring unnecessarily Sexist comments  Obscene jokes Starting sexual rumors Commenting on someone&#39;s looks Abusive comments or actions based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.  Sexual harassment is frequently perpetrated by men against women, but it can also be perpetrated by women against men, or between people of the same sex. In addition, sexual harassment generally occurs in a hierarchical relationship, i.e., between faculty members and students, supervisors and subordinates, or seniors and juniors, but it can also occur between colleagues, classmates, or faculty members. Academic Harassment Specific examples Refusing to provide guidance to a student without good reason Harsh reprimands and dignity-denying verbal abuse that go beyond the scope of common sense Unfair or inequitable treatment of students in regard to degree or credit approval Disallowing the use of literature or equipment necessary for research Power Harassment Specific examples Injuring someone&#39;s dignity beyond the scope of normal work-related instruction Interfere with someone&#39;s promotions, advancements, etc. Deliberately not communicating information that is necessary for the job Demanding tasks of an unreasonable amount or content Ignoring, isolating, or discrediting someone Other types of harassment Specific examples Spreading rumors about private matters, making it difficult for someone to engage in professional or academic activities Repeated use of demeaning language, name-calling, and slander, making it difficult for someone to engage in professional or academic activities To avoid perpetrating harassment and prevent it from happening Please be aware that there are gender and individual differences in the way words and actions are perceived. For example, words and actions that are meant to be friendly may cause discomfort to the other person as unpleasant sexual behavior. It is important to always be considerate of the other person&#39;s feelings, and not to judge whether or not this constitutes harassment based on your own selfish assumptions. If you find that the other person does not like what you are saying or doing, stop immediately and do not repeat it. Also, the other person may not always be able to clearly express their rejection. Be very careful not to make the mistake of assuming that the other person agrees. If you are experiencing harassment, please consult with us! Blaming yourself or being patient will not make the situation better. Please consult with a counselor in a way that is convenient for you. This can be done in person, by letter, phone, or e-mail. Counselors Two counselors from each faculty and three counselors from the administrative staff are appointed by the President. Counselor appointments are announced on the university&#39;s website and on the campus bulletin board. List of harassment counselors for 2024 All counselors will maintain confidentiality and work to resolve any issues. 【Faculty Counselors】 Name Affiliation Telephone number(laboratory) Tsutomu Yamashita Faculty of Economics and Business Administration 075-406-9309(uzumasa) Naoko Nagasawa Faculty of Economics and Business Administration 075-406-9292(uzumasa) Yuko Takeuchi Faculty of Humanities 075-406-9337(uzumasa) Yu Odanaka Faculty of Humanities 075-406-9368(uzumasa) Yasuyo Fujii Faculty of Bioenvironmental Science 0771-29-3584(kameoka) Yoshihisa Yano Faculty of Bioenvironmental Science 0771-29-3474(kameoka) Akiko Yabuki Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences 075-406-9183(uzumasa) Wataru Kimura Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences 075-406-9163(uzumasa) Alberto Castellazzi Faculty of Engineering 075-496-6504(uzumasa) LIANG Zilu Faculty of Engineering 075-496-6510(uzumasa) 【Staff Counselors】 Name Affiliation Telephone number Takamasa Inagaki Public Relations Center 075-406-9122(uzumasa) Eriko Yoshitani Educational Affairs Center 075-406-9106(uzumasa) Sara Shimada International Center 075-496-6204(uzumasa) If the counselors are not available, call the General Affairs Division (075-406-9128) If you wish to contact the counselors by e-mail, please write to the address below. The email will be sent to the two representative counselors. Representative counselors will be announced on the campus billboard. [email protected] 【Contact by Mail】 Please send to the following address 〒615-8577 18, Gotanda-cho, Yamanouchi, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto City To: KUAS General Affairs Division        Harassment Prevention Committee Your privacy will be strictly protected All faculty and staff that handle harassment cases are obligated to respect the privacy of those involved and to maintain the confidentiality of all matters known in their capacity. In the event of a violation, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the university and staff regulations. Your right to seek consultation or to testify against harassment is protected. 大学紹介 Courses & Registration開く Academic Calendar E-learning System Enrollment Guidelines Class Hours & Test Times開く Kyoto Uzumasa Campus Class Hours Kyoto Kameoka Campus Class Hours Tuition and Financial Aid開く Tuition Scholarships開く Jasso Scholarships Alumni Association Scholarship KUAS Student Guardian Association Scholarship Student Life開く Clubs and Societies Student Council Sentan Navi Webmail Reporting Address Changes, etc Issuance of Certificates Commuter Passes, etc Lost & Found Student Housing International Student Residence Uzumasa A開く GCL Program Training Room Ryuo Kaikan Seminar Hall Computer Rooms Part-time Jobs International Exchange開く About International Exchange Exchange Programs開く United States Korea Thailand China Taiwan Indonesia Mongolia Overseas Short-term Training Programs International Students Support開く International Student Numbers(Japanese) Career Development Center開く Industry Experience (Internship) Student Counseling & Support開く Nurse&#039;s Office開く Issuance of Health Examination Certificates Mandatory Absence in the Event of Infection Influenza Health Safety Measures Precautions for International Travel Annual Health Checkups for Students About CPR Student Counselor&#039;s Office Student Disability Support Office ICT Center International Center Career Support Center ICT Center Anti-harassment Initiatives Campuses開く Kyoto Uzumasa Campus開く Access Hours Campus Map Classroom Map Kyoto Kameoka Campus開く Access Hours Campus Map Classroom Map More Information開く Personal Information Protection KUAS Student Guardian Association開く Greeting KUAS Alumni Association Founding Principles 京都発世界人財 アクセス お問い合わせ 採用情報 サイトマップ サイトポリシー 個人情報の取扱い 学校法人 永守学園 京都先端科学大学附属高等学校 京都先端科学大学附属中学校 京都先端科学大学附属みどりの丘幼稚園・みどりの丘保育園 Twitter YouTube Line Facebook LinkedIn 学内専用ポータル Copyright © Kyoto University of Advanced Science. 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