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Early establishment of chloride homeostasis in CRH neurons is altered by prenatal stress leading to fetal HPA dysregulation. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 17: 1373337, 2024. 2023 Yoshino M., Shiraishi Y., Saito K., Kameya N., Hamabe-Horiike T., Shinmyo Y., Nakada M., Ozaki N. and Kawasaki H. Distinct subdivisions of subcortical U-fiber regions in the gyrencephalic ferret brain. Neuroscience Research, S0168-0102(23)00194-3, 2023. Shinmyo Y. and Kawasaki H., Investigation of the mechanisms underlying the development and evolution of the cerebral cortex using gyrencephalic ferrets, in Neocortical Neurogenesis in Development and Evolution, Huttner W. B. ed, Wiley, New York, chapter 24, pp527-546, 2023. Nguyen TD., Ishibashi M., Sinha AS., Watanabe M., Kato D., Horiuchi H., Wake H., Fukuda A. Astrocytic NKCC1 inhibits seizures by buffering Cl− and antagonizing neuronal NKCC1 at GABAergic synapses. Epilepsia, 64(12):3389-3403, 2023. Okuzono S., Fujii F., Matsushita Y., Setoyama D., Shinmyo Y., Taira R, Yonemoto K., Akamine S., Motomura Y., Sanefuji M., Sakurai T., Kawasaki H., Han K., Kato T.A., Torisu H., Kang D., Nakabeppu Y., Sakai Y. and Ohga S. Shank3a/b isoforms regulate the susceptibility to seizures and thalamocortical development in the early postnatal period of mice. Neuroscience Research, S0168-0102(23)00051-2, 2023. Torii T., Miyamoto Y., Nakata R, Higashi Y., Shinmyo Y., Kawasaki H., Miyasaka T. and Misonou H. Identification of Tau protein as a novel marker for maturation and pathological changes of oligodendrocytes. Glia, 1002-1017, 2023. Edwards-Faret G., de Vin F., Slezak M., Gollenbeck L., Karaman R., Shinmyo Y., Batiuk M.Y., Pando C.M., Urschitz J., Rincon M.Y., Moisyadi S., Schnütgen F., Kawasaki H., Schmucker D. and Holt M.G. A New Technical Approach for Cross-species Examination of Neuronal Wiring and Adult Neuron-glia Functions. Neuroscience, 508:40-51, 2023. Egawa K., Watanabe M., Shiraishi H., Sato D., Takahashi Y., Nishio S and Fukuda A. Imbalanced expression of cation-chloride cotransporters as a potential therapeutic target in an Angelman syndrome mouse model. Scientific Reports, 13(1):5685, 2023. Watanabe K., Ishibashi M., Suzuki T., Otsuka A., Yoshimura N., Miyake H. and Fukuda A. Therapeutic effects of KCC2 chloride transporter activation on detrusor overactivity in mice with spinal cord injury. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 24(4):F353-F361, 2023. Ping Y., Ohata K., Kikushima K., Sakamoto T., Islam A., Xu L., Zhang H., Chen B., Yan J., Eto F., Nakane C., Takao K., Miyakawa T., Kabashima K., Watanabe M., Kahyo T., Yao I., Fukuda A., Ikegami K., Konishi Y. and Setou M. Tubulin Polyglutamylation by TTLL1 and TTLL7 Regulate Glutamate Concentration in the Mice Brain. Biomolecules, 13(5):784, 2023. 2022 Roboon J., Hattori T., Nguyen D.T., Ishii H., Takarada-Iemata M., Kannon T., Hosomichi K., Maejima T., Saito K., Shinmyo Y., Mieda M., Tajima A., Kawasaki H. and Hori O. Isolation of ferret astrocytes reveals their morphological, transcriptional, and functional differences from mouse astrocytes. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 16:877131, 2022. Shinmyo Y., Saito K., Hamabe-Horiike T., Kameya N., Ando A., Kawasaki K., Dinh Duong T.A., Sakashita M., Roboon J., Hattori T., Kannon T., Hosomichi K., Slezak M., Holt M.G., Tajima A., Hori O. and Kawasaki H. Localized astrogenesis regulates gyrification of the cerebral cortex. Science Advances, 8(10):eabi5209, 2022. Shinmyo Y., Hamabe-Horiike T., Saito K. and Kawasaki H. Investigation of the mechanisms underlying the development and evolution of the cerebral cortex using gyrencephalic ferrets. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 10:847159, 2022. Watanabe M., Ito T. and Fukuda A. Effects of taurine depletion on body weight and mouse behavior during development. Metabolites, 12(7):631, 2022. Sinha A.S., Wang T., Watanabe M., Hosoi Y., Sohara E., Akita T., Uchida S. and Fukuda A. WNK3 kinase maintains neuronal excitability by reducing inwardly rectifying K+ conductance in layer V pyramidal neurons of mouse medial prefrontal cortex. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 15:856262, 2022. Hosoi Y., Akita T., Watanabe M., Ito T., Miyajima H. and Fukuda A. Taurine depletion during fetal and postnatal development blunts firing responses of neocortical layer II/III pyramidal neurons. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 15:806798, 2022. Bando Y., Ishibashi M., Yamagishi S., Fukuda A. and Sato K. Orchestration of Ion Channels and Transporters in Neocortical Development and Neurological Disorders. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16:827284, 2022. Yesmin R., Watanabe M., Sinha A.S., Ishibashi M., Wang T. and Fukuda A. A subpopulation of agouti-related peptide neurons exciting corticotropin-releasing hormone axon terminals in median eminence led to hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation in response to food restriction. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 15:990803, 2022. 2021 Ahmed G. and Shinmyo Y. Multiple Functions of Draxin/Netrin-1 Signaling in the Development of Neural Circuits in the Spinal Cord and the Brain. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 15:766911, 2021. Sugiyama T., Murao N., Kadowaki H., Takao K., Miyakawa T., Matsushita Y., Katagiri T., Futatsugi A., Shinmyo Y., Kawasaki H., Sakai J., Shiomi K., Nakazato M., Takeda K., Mikoshiba K., Ploegh H.L., Ichijo H. and Nishitoh H. ERAD components Derlin-1 and Derlin-2 are essential for postnatal brain development and motor function. iScience, 24(7):102758, 2021. Morita K., Matsumoto N., Saito K., Hamabe-Horiike T., Mizuguchi K., Shinmyo Y. and Kawasaki H. BMP signaling alters aquaporin-4 expression in the mouse cerebral cortex. Scientific Reports, 11(1):10540, 2021. Okada M., Kawagoe Y., Sato Y., Nozumi M., Ishikawa Y., Tamada A., Yamazaki H., Sekino Y., Kanemura Y., Shinmyo Y., Kawasaki H., Kaneko N., Sawamoto K., Fujii Y. and Igarashi M. Phosphorylation of GAP-43 T172 is a molecular marker of growing axons in a wide range of mammals including primates. Molecular Brain, 14(1):66, 2021. Ito N., Riyadh M.A., Ahmad S.A.I., Hattori S., Kanemura Y., Kiyonari H., Abe T., Furuta Y., Shinmyo Y., Kaneko N., Hirota Y., Lupo G., Hatakeyama J., Abdulhaleem M F.A., Anam M.B., Yamaguchi M., Takeo T., Takebayashi H., Takebayashi M., Oike Y., Nakagata N., Shimamura K., Holtzman M.J., Takahashi Y., Guillemot F., Miyakawa T., Sawamoto K. and Ohta K. Dysfunction of the proteoglycan Tsukushi causes hydrocephalus through altered neurogenesis in the subventricular zone in mice. Science Translational Medicine, 13(587):eaay7896, 2021. Maeyama H., Shinmyo Y. and Kawasaki H. The expression of aristaless-related homeobox in neural progenitors of gyrencephalic carnivore ferrets. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, 26:100970, 2021. Hamabe-Horiike T., Kawasaki K., Sakashita M., Ishizu C., Yoshizaki T., Harada S., Ogawa-Ochiai K., Shinmyo Y. and Kawasaki H. Glial cell type-specific gene expression in the mouse cerebrum using the piggyBac system and in utero electroporation. Scientific Reports, 11(1):4864, 2021. 2020 Yoshino M., Saito K., Kawasaki K., Horiike T., Shinmyo Y. and Kawasaki H. The origin and development of subcortical U-fibers in gyrencephalic ferrets. Molecular Brain. 13(1):37, 2020. Tawarayama H., Yamada H., Amin R., Morita-Fujimura Y., Cooper H.M., Shinmyo Y., Tanaka H. and Ikawa S. Draxin-mediated Regulation of Granule Cell Progenitor Differentiation in the Postnatal Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus. Neuroscience. 431:184-192, 2020. Ye Y., Dinh Duong T.A., Saito K., Shinmyo Y., Ichikawa Y., Higashide T., Kagami K., Fujiwara H., Sugiyama K. and Kawasaki H. Visualization of the retina in intact eyes of mice and ferrets using a tissue clearing method. Translational Vision Science and Technology, 9(3):1, 2020. Matsumoto N., Tanaka S., Horiike T., Shinmyo Y. and Kawasaki H. A discrete subtype of neural progenitor crucial for cortical folding in the gyrencephalic mammalian brain. eLife, e54873, 2020. Kagami K., Ono M., Iizuka T., Matsumoto T., Hosono T., Sekizuka-Kagami N., Shinmyo Y., Kawasaki H. and Fujiwara H. A novel third mesh-like myometrial layer connects the longitudinal and circular muscle fibers -A potential stratum to coordinate uterine contractions. Scientific Reports, 10(1):8274, 2020. Cissé Y., Ishibashi M., Jost J., Toossi H., Mainville L., Adamantidis A., Leonard CS. and Jones BE. Discharge and Role of GABA Pontomesencephalic Neurons in Cortical Activity and Sleep-Wake States Examined by Optogenetics and Juxtacellular Recordings in Mice. Journal of Neuroscience, 40 (31) :5970-5989, 2020. 2019 Saito K., Mizuguchi K., Horiike T., Dinh Duong T.A., Shinmyo Y. and Kawasaki H. Characterization of the inner and outer fiber layers in the developing cerebral cortex of gyrencephalic ferrets. Cerebral Cortex, 29(10), 4303-4311, 2019. Dinh Duong T.A., Hoshiba Y., Saito K., Kawasaki K., Ichikawa Y., Matsumoto N., Shinmyo Y. and Kawasaki H. FGF signaling directs the cell fate switch from neurons to astrocytes in the developing mouse cerebral cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 39(31), 6081-6094, 2019. Watanabe M., Zhang J., Mansuri M.S., Duan J., Karimy J.K., Delpire E., Alper S.L., Lifton R.P., Fukuda A. and Kahle K.T. Developmentally regulated KCC2 phosphorylation is essential for dynamic GABA-mediated inhibition and survival. Science Signaling, 12: eaaw9315, 2019. Ishibashi M., Egawa K. and Fukuda A. Diverse Actions of Astrocytes in GABAergic Signaling. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(12):2964, 2019. Fukuda A. and Watanabe M. Pathogenic potential of human SLC12A5 variants causing KCC2 dysfunction. Brain Research, 1710:1-7, 2019. 2018 Kagami K., Shinmyo Y., Ono M., Kawasaki H. and Fujiwara H. Three-dimensional evaluation of murine ovarian follicles using a modified CUBIC tissue clearing method. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 16(1):72, 2018. Tawarayama H., Yamada H., Shinmyo Y., Tanaka H. and Ikawa S. The chemorepellent draxin is involved in hippocampal mossy fiber projection. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 500(2):217-223, 2018. Sato Y., Matsuo A., Kudoh S., Fang L., Hasegawa K., Shinmyo Y. and Ito T. Expression of Draxin in lung carcinomas. Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica, 1(1):53-62, 2018. Mizuguchi K., Horiike T., Matsumoto N., Ichikawa Y., Shinmyo Y. and Kawasaki H. Distribution and morphological features of microglia in the developing cerebral cortex of gyrencephalic mammals. Neurochemical Research, 43(5), 1075-1085, 2018. Tawarayama H., Yamada H., Amin R., Morita-Fujimura Y., Cooper H.M., Shinmyo Y., Kawata M., Ikawa S. and Tanaka H. Draxin regulates hippocampal neurogenesis in the postnatal dentate gyrus by inhibiting DCC-induced apoptosis. Scientific Reports, 8(1):840, 2018. Cissé Y., Toossi H., Ishibashi M., Mainville L., Leonard CS., Adamantidis A. and Jones BE. Discharge and role of acetylcholine pontomesencephalic neurons in cortical activity and sleep-wake states examined by optogenetics and juxtacellular recording in mice. eNeuro, 5(4):ENEURO.0270-18.2018. 2017 Matsumoto N., Shinmyo Y., Ichikawa Y. and Kawasaki H. Gyrification of the cerebral cortex requires FGF signaling in the mammalian brain. eLife, 6, e29285, 2017. Shinmyo Y., Terashita Y., Dinh Duong T. A., Horiike T., Kawasumi M., Hosomichi K., Tajima A. and Kawasaki H. Folding of the cerebral cortex requires Cdk5 in upper-layer neurons in gyrencephalic mammals. Cell Reports, 20(9), 2131-2143, 2017. Kagami K., Shinmyo Y., Ono M., Kawasaki H. and Fujiwara H. Three-dimensional visualization of intrauterine conceptus through the uterine wall by tissue clearing method. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 5964, 2017. Matsumoto N., Hoshiba Y., Morita K., Uda N., Hirota M., Minamikawa M., Ebisu H., Shinmyo Y. and Kawasaki H. Pathophysiological analyses of periventricular nodular heterotopia using gyrencephalic mammals. Human Molecular Genetics, 26 (6), 1173-1181, 2017. Nakahata Y., Eto K., Murakoshi H., Watanabe M., Kuriu T., Hirata H., Moorhouse A., Ishibashi H. and Nabekura J. Activation-dependent rapid postsynaptic clustering of glycine receptors in mature spinal cord neurons. eNeuro, 4(1): 0194-16, 2017. Watabe T., Xu M., Watanabe M., Nabekura J., Higuchi T., Hori K., Sato M., Nin F., Hibino H., Ogawa K., Masuda M. and Tanaka K. Time-controllable Nkcc1 knockdown replicates reversible hearing loss in postnatal mice. Scientific Reports, 7(1):13605, 2017. 2016 Toda T., Shinmyo Y., Dinh Duong T. A., Masuda K., and Kawasaki H. An essential role of SVZ progenitors in cortical folding in gyrencephalic mammals. Scientific Reports, 6, 29578, 2016. Shinmyo Y., Tanaka S., Tsunoda S., Hosomichi K., Tajima A. and Kawasaki H. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knockout in the mouse brain using in utero electroporation. Scientific Reports, 6, 20611, 2016. Kakizawa K., Watanabe M., Mutoh H., Okawa Y., Yamashita M., Yanagawa Y., Itoi K., Suda T., Oki Y. and Fukuda A. A novel GABA-mediated corticotropin-releasing hormone secretory mechanism in the median eminence. Science Advances, 2:e1501723, 2016. Saitsu H., Watanabe M., Akita T., Ohba C., Sugai K., Ong WP., Shiraishi H., Yuasa S., Matsumoto H., Beng KT., Saitoh S., Miyatake S., Nakashima M., Miyake N., Kato M., Fukuda A. and Matsumoto N. Impaired neuronal KCC2 function by biallelic SLC12A5 mutations in migrating focal seizures and severe developmental delay. Scientific Reports, 6:30072, 2016. 2015 Shinmyo Y., Riyadh M. A., Ahmed G., Naser I. B., Hossain M., Takebayashi H., Kawasaki H., Ohta K. and Tanaka H. Draxin from neocortical neurons controls the guidance of thalamocortical projections into the neocortex. Nature Communications, 6, 10232, 2015. Masuda K., Toda T., Shinmyo Y., Ebisu H., Hoshiba Y., Wakimoto M., Ichikawa Y. and *Kawasaki H. Pathophysiological analyses of cortical malformation using gyrencephalic mammals. Scientific Reports, 5, 15370, 2015. Watanabe M. and Fukuda A. Development and regulation of chloride homeostasis in the central nervous system. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 9:371, 2015. 2014 Lemmon V. P., (62), Shinmyo Y., (14). Minimum information about a spinal cord injury experiment: a proposed reporting standard for spinal cord injury experiments. Journal of Neurotrauma, 31, 1354-1361, 2014. Riyadh M. A., Shinmyo Y., Ohta K. and Tanaka H. Inhibitory effects of draxin on axonal outgrowth and migration of precerebellar neurons. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 449, 169-174, 2014. Watanabe M., Fukuda A. and Nabekura J. The role of GABA in the regulation of GnRH neurons. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 8:387, 2014. 2013 Hossain M., Ahmed G., Naser I. B., Shinmyo Y., Ito A., Riyadh M. A., Felemban A., Song X., Ohta K. and Tanaka H. The combinatorial guidance activities of draxin and Tsukushi are essential for forebrain commissure formation. Developmental Biology, 374, 58-70, 2013. 2011 Mito T., Shinmyo Y., Kurita K., Nakamura T., Ohuchi H. and Noji S. Ancestral functions of Delta/Notch signaling in the formation of body and leg segments in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Development, 138, 3823-3833, 2011. Ahmed G., Shinmyo Y., Ohta K., Islam S. M., Hossain M., Naser I. B., Riyadh A., Su Y., Zhang S., Tessier-Lavigne M. and Tanaka H. Draxin inhibits axonal outgrowth through the netrin Receptor DCC. Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 14018-14023, 2011. 2010 Nakamura T., Yoshizaki M., Ogawa S., Okamoto H., Shinmyo Y., Bando T., Ohuchi H., Noji S. and Mito T. Imaging of transgenic cricket embryos reveals cell movements consistent with a syncytial patterning mechanism. Current Biology, 20, 1641-1647, 2010. Ito A., Shinmyo Y., Abe T., Oshima N., Tanaka H. and Ohta K. Tsukushi is required for anterior commissure formation in mouse brain. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 402, 813-818, 2010. Ahmed G., Shinmyo Y., Naser I. B., Hossain M., Song X. and Tanaka H. Olfactory bulb axonal outgrowth is inhibited by draxin. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 398, 730-734, 2010. Su Y., Zhang S., Islam S. M., Shinmyo Y., Naser I. B., Ahmed G. and Tanaka H. Draxin is involved in the proper development of the dI3 interneuron in chick spinal cord. Developmental Dynamics, 239, 1654-1663 2010. Hayashida M., Minoda R., Shinmyo Y., Ohta K., Tanaka H. and Yumoto E. PC3 is involved in the shift from proliferation to differentiation and maturation in spiral ganglion neurons. Neuroreport, 21, 90-93 2010. Zhang S., Su Y, Shinmyo Y., Islam S. M., Naser I. B., Ahmed G., Tamamaki N. and Tanaka H. Draxin, a repulsive axon guidance protein, is involved in hippocampal development. Neuroscience Research, 66, 53-61, 2010. 2009 Su Y., Naser I. B., Islam S. M., Zhang S., Ahmed G., Chen S., Shinmyo Y., Kawakami M., Yamamura K. and Tanaka H. Draxin, an axon guidance protein, affects chick trunk neural crest migration. Development Growth & Differentiation, 51, 787-796, 2009. Naser I. B., Su Y., Islam S. M., Shinmyo Y., Zhang S., Ahmed G., Chen S. and Tanaka H. Analysis of a repulsive axon guidance molecule, draxin, on ventrally directed axon projection in chick early embryonic midbrain. Developmental Biology, 332, 351-359, 2009. Islam S. M., Shinmyo Y., Okafuji T., Su Y., Naser I. B., Ahmed G., Zhang S., Chen S., Ohta K., Kiyonari H., Abe T., Tanaka S., Nishinakamura R., Terashima T., Kitamura T. and Tanaka H. Draxin, a repulsive guidance protein for spinal cord and forebrain commissures. Science, 323, 388-393, 2009. 2007年以前 Mito T., Kobayashi C., Sarashina I., Zhang H., Shinahara W., Miyawaki K., Shinmyo Y., Ohuchi H. and Noji S. even-skipped has gap-like, pair-rule-like, and segmental functions in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, a basal, intermediate germ insect (Orthoptera). Developmental Biology, 303, 202-213, 2007. Shinmyo Y., Mito T., Uda T., Nakamura T., Miyawaki K., Ohuchi H. and Noji S. brachyenteron is necessary for morphogenesis of the posterior gut but not for anteroposterior axial elongation from the posterior growth zone in the intermediate-germband cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Development, 133, 4539-4547, 2006. Mito T., Okamoto H., Shinahara W., Shinmyo Y., Miyawaki K., Ohuchi H. and Noji S. Kruppel acts as a gap gene regulating expression of hunchback and even-skipped in the intermediate germ cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Developmental Biology, 294, 471-481, 2006. Mito T., Sarashina I., Zhang H., Iwahashi A., Okamoto H., Miyawaki K., Shinmyo Y., Ohuchi H. and Noji S. Non-canonical functions of hunchback in segment patterning of the intermediate germ cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Development, 132, 2069-2079, 2005. Sarashina I., Mito T., Saito M., Uneme H., Miyawaki K., Shinmyo Y., Ohuchi H. and Noji S. Location of micropyles and early embryonic development of the two-spotted cricket Gryllus bimaculatus (Insecta, Orthoptera). Development Growth & Differentiation, 47, 99-108, 2005. Zhang H., Shinmyo Y., Mito T., Miyawaki K., Sarashina I., Ohuchi H. and Noji S. Expression patterns of the homeotic genes Scr, Antp, Ubx and abd-A during embryogenesis of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Gene Expression Patterns, 5, 491-502, 2005. Shinmyo Y., Mito T., Matsushita T., Sarashina I., Miyawaki K., Ohuchi H. and Noji S. caudal is required for gnathal and thoracic patterning and for posterior elongation in the intermediate-germband cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Mechanisms of Development, 122, 231-239, 2005. Inoue Y., Miyawaki K., Terasawa T., Matsushima K., Shinmyo Y., Niwa N., Mito T., Ohuchi H. and Noji S. Expression patterns of dachshund during head development of Gryllus bimaculatus (cricket). Gene Expression Patterns, 4, 725-731, 2004. 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Mechanisms of Development, 113, 141-148, 2002. 神経生理学講座 新着情報 教育活動 研究活動 構成員紹介 研究業績 教育 お問合わせ 関連リンク サイトマップ サイトについて プライバシーポリシー 2016 Hamamatsu University School of Medicine. All Rights Reserved.

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